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Captain America
Marvel movie fans, yet more reviews of Captain America: The First Avenger and they're fantastic.
"Captain America: The First Avenger" is set to stir up world politics come its worldwide release on 22nd July.
"Captain America: The First Avenger" is the story of the scrawny like Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), who wants to join the U.S. Army to fight the Nazis, but is thought to be unfit to enlist. Instead, he volunteers for a secret project entitled "Project: Rebirth," which transforms him into super-soldier aka Captain America.
After the U.S. decides he's too expensive to risk losing in combat, Captain America decides to wage war on the treacherous Hydra organization, led by the villainous Red Skull (Hugo Weaving).
Let's now cross to the conference call with Evans...
"A movie like this, you either win big or you lose big, and that's daunting. So it certainly was in my head, and I was extremely apprehensive."
Making film adaptations of comic books comes with another challenge: pleasing the fan boys and fan girls.
Diligently following the comic books is one thing, Evans said, but the cast and crew still had to produce a quality script as well.
"You're making the script that's given to you, so you want to incorporate as much information as you can from the comic books hand in hand with what the script tells you," he said. "So it's a marriage, and you have to find that balance, but luckily everyone at Marvel and the director also incorporates the origins from the comic books, as well."
In the film, Evans' character transforms from the measly, short Steve Rogers to the buffed-out Captain America, though Evans himself did not change his weight.
Because he didn't have time to rapidly shift from strong to skinny, it was done with CGI instead.
"I don't even think it would have worked had I tried to lose weight," he said. "They didn't just take away weight. They took away size. They took away bone structure."
Still, Evans wasn't too shocked seeing himself on screen looking incredibly skinny.
"I mean, I was a pretty skinny guy for most of my life, so it's fun seeing it on film, but it's nothing new to me," he said. "I spent a long time looking that way."
Though Evans has some starpower himself after appearing in the "Fantastic Four" films as the Human Torch, he had to share the screen with some other big names on the set of "Captain America."
Acclaimed actors Tommy Lee Jones and Stanley Tucci also appear in the film as Col. Chester Phillips and scientist Abraham Erskine, respectively.
"There are certainly days where you feel a little intimidated standing opposite them and trying to hold your weight next to them, but they were just so great, everyone," Evans said.
In the midst of the booming comic book craze, Evans said Steve Rogers and Captain America are set apart from the superhero competition because of the way he became a superhero.
"I think most superheroes, they either were born that way or they were given their powers by a freak accident," he said. "I think Steve Rogers is the only person who was really chosen ... for his values and his morals."
The character itself isn't the only thing that sets "Captain America" apart.
The film is set in the 1940s during World War II, making it a rare period-piece blockbuster.
"The movie's a period piece," Evans said. "Given the fact that it takes place in the 1940s transports us to another time and another world, which is obviously a fun escape for any moviegoer."
After tackling two big superhero franchises, Evans said he's now a big fan of comic books.
"You know, I never grew up reading them," he said. "But I've obviously done quite a few comic book and graphic novel-based films. And as a result, you've got to read quite a few. And I've certainly grown to appreciate and see the value in that medium."
"Captain America: The First Avenger," starring Evans as Captain America and directed by Joe Johnston, is scheduled to hit theaters July 22.
As Marvel Entertainment legend Stan Lee says of the current crop of Marvel Studio flicks, games and other merchandise, Excelsior!
Chris Evans: Steve Rogers / Captain America
Hugo Weaving: Johann Schmidt / The Red Skull
Stanley Tucci: Abraham Erskine
Tommy Lee Jones: Col. Chester Phillips
Richard Armitage: Heinz Kruger
Dominic Cooper: Howard Stark
Toby Jones : Arnim Zola
Hayley Atwell: Peggy Carter
Natalie Dormer: Private Lorraine
Sebastian Stan: James 'Bucky' Barnes
Neal McDonough: Dum Dum Dugan
Derek Luke: Gabe Jones
JJ Feild: Montgomery Falsworth / Union Jack
Kenneth Choi: Jim Morita
Anatole Taubman: Roeder
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