Tony Khan via CNBC on All In PPV advances:
“We're going to make a ton of money on All In, frankly, before the PPV. The advances have been incredibly strong. Our biggest in years, one of our top-2 of all time, and possibly our biggest ever for PPVs when it's all said and done.”
"I can't make them believe professional wrestling is real, but I can sure as hell make you believe I am" - Johnny Valentine
Without promotion, something terrible happens... nothing! P. T. Barnum
Media Man
X @X king Elon Musk has got a few fans in the WWE @WWE (and UFC) says Media. Over the past months the likes of Booker T @BookerT5x , Triple H @TripleH , Corey Graves @WWEGraves and Paul Heyman @HeymanHustle have all mentioned X, the previous "T" word, and/or EM himself. Talk about brand awareness! We talked dream-matches and the like in Sydney at the Q&A and Volk @alexvolkanovski was pretty pumped for your upcoming bout vs the cyborg/hybrid lizard also! My term, not Volks', just to be clear. Part satire. What a time to be alive as the social media wars continue. Round 5 of the warm ups to Musk. Musk remains the X factor. EM for the win!
Promoter: a person or company that finances or organizes a sporting event, concert, or theatrical production. "a pro wrestling promoter"
He is a promoter of pro wrestling, mixed martial arts, a range of combat sports and various pop culture entities.
Vince McMahon is widely considered the most succesful wrestling promoter of all time. He is sometimes mentioned in the same articles and sentences as the late and legendary P. T. Barmum, regarding his promotional success, showman and showbiz skills, abilities and accomplishments. Linda McMahon was a strong element in the early success of the WWE (formally known as WWF, World Wrestling Federation, World Wide Wrestling Federation and Capitol Sports). Vince McMahon purchased the then WWF from his farther, Vincent J. MaMahon in 1982. Vince McMahon focussed much of his attentions on U.S and then global expansion and he promoted and "pushed" Hulk Hogan to become the promoters and world's biggest pro wrestling performer.
Promoter: A supporter of a cause or aim. "Mitterrand was a fierce promoter of European integration"