Wednesday, May 30, 2012

2012 Hollywood Movies for Australian and American movie fans to get excited about


Movies Hollywood Marvel Entertainment Marvel Comics Marvel Studios Paramount Pictures Amazing Spider-Man The Avengers Batman The Great Gatsby Actors Celebrities

"Sin City" Sydney has been a bit of a celebrity and media circus lately and there's more media and entertainment war, fun and games and the way soon. Australian and international media are all on the chase. Splash News, Snapper, TMZ, OMG, the Media Man agency - everyone is jockeying for position and exclusive news scoops.

Let's get ready to rumble. Here's some of the best Hollywood blockbuster movies coming up this year. We've got the U.S movie release dates, which in some cases will be the same as the Australian release date. Note: Some Australian release dates are likely to be a day or two after the U.S date.

Will the movies live up to their comic book or novel? The world is extremely keen to see how Baz's version of the "The Great Gatsby" (Dec. 25) literary classic matches up, but more on that and its star Leonardo DiCaprio later.

What many of this year's blockbusters are about is building on the brand and plugging into the news media machine. Most, like "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2" (Nov. 16), "The Amazing Spider-Man" (July 3) or "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" (June 22), are based on already mega successful brands. It's pop-culture realm stuff and plugging into established audiences.

Here's the list of some of this years most anticipated movies.

The Raven (April 27)

John Cusack as Edgar Allan Poe, detective – tracking down a series of murders in 19th-century Baltimore.

The Avengers (May 4)

Fans are into this big time. This Marvel flick puts Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury and The Hulk together. Little wonder Marvel fans can't wait. Last Sunday Sydney's George St Event Cinema's even had a preview screening for lucky fans who won a competition, with many fans dressing up as their favourite hero. Talk about an Excelsior initiative.

Dark Shadows (May 11)

Tim Burton directs, Johnny Depp has a white face. Depp fans are going to see his films no matter what, so let's hope its good.

Snow White and the Huntsman (June 1)

"Snow White" is a long time fav of Hollywood. It's a sword-and-sorcery epic version of the Grimm fairy tale.

Prometheus (June 8)

A prequel of sorts to 1979's "Alien," with "Dragon Tattoo" lady Noomi Rapace as a space archaeologist who digs up trouble. Directed by "Alien" and "Blade Runner's" Ridley Scott, this is already getting fans in a frenzy.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (June 22)

It's bit of a cross-pollinating of geek and traditional culture. It will be an interesting contrast to Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln," arriving in December.

The Amazing Spider-Man (July 3)

It's been 10 years since the awesome original. Andrew Garfield plays Spidey and Rhys Ifans is The Lizard. Marvel Comic super hero movie fans are hoping they won't be disappointed and left in a spin.

The Dark Knight Rises (July 20)

Batman (Christian Bale) with villains Bane (Tom Hardy) and Catwoman (Anne Hathaway). DC Comic super hero fans have long deserved a quality remake, so hopefully this is in. Pow.

Frankenweenie (Oct. 5)

Tim Burton's full-length puppet-cartoon remake of his early short from 1984.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (Nov. 16)

The second part of the fourth instalment of Stephenie Meyer's girl-crush vampire series.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Dec. 14)

It's J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" prequel, directed by Peter Jackson.

The Great Gatsby (Dec. 25)

The fourth film version of the 1925 F. Scott Fitzgerald classic, directed by the Australian Baz Luhrmann ("Moulin Rouge!" "William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet") and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan. Millions of Australia's are hoping that Baz has done us proud.

Lincoln (December)

A Steven Spielberg historical epic, with Daniel Day-Lewis as the 16th president and Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln.

Movie speculation...

Now fans, can you just imagine what drama is going to hit Sydney if or when Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or Leonardo DiCaprio come to Sydney later this year. Stranger things have happened, so here's hoping.

‘Bending the Rules’ stars former WWE superstar Edge...

It was 22 years ago when Edge sat in the Toronto SkyDome for WWE’s WrestleMania 6 with big dreams of joining his boyhood idol Hulk Hogan in the ring.

In the past year since his wrestling career ended because of neck injuries, Edge has tried his hand at acting. He can be seen in his first starring role in the movie “Bending the Rules,” a WWE Studios production that hits select theaters Friday, March 9. The “Rated R Superstar” plays Detective Nick Blades, a New Orleans cop on trial for corruption.

“I have kind of likened it to ‘The Big Lebowski’ in a way,” Edge said describing his character during a media tour in Miami.

“He is the Big Lebowski, but he can kick a--. I guess it’s kind of what sums it up. I wear a Hawaiian shirt, board shorts and flip flops and Mardi Gras beads for about a month-and-a-half down in New Orleans. A recurring theme throughout is that you will always see the character eating a lot of donuts. We ate a lot of donuts in that movie.

“I liked the character because it didn’t take himself too seriously. I don’t really take myself too seriously, so it wasn’t that much of a stretch for me.”

The former pro wrestler enjoyed the movie-making process.

“I did some of the action stuff,” Edge said. “The only thing I didn’t do was the accident. We kind of had a head on kind of deal, and I guess they didn’t want me to do that because I had to go to Raw the next day. I guess they didn’t want me to do the whole, ‘He can’t wrestle because he just got whiplash.’

“Beyond that I did everything else. It wasn’t too in-depth or anything because it’s more of a buddy flick than it is action, but there is a little bit of action to it.”

Among the other cast members is Jamie Kennedy, Alicia Witt, Jennifer Esposito and accomplished actress Jessica Walter, who has recently done voice work on the animated series “Archer”.

“Philip Baker Hall was big for me, especially being a ‘Seinfeld’ fan. Lt. Bookman was one of my favorite, probably my favorite character in ‘Seinfeld’ actually. So when I saw I was sharing scenes with him I thought, ‘This is awesome.’ He is a really funny guy. His delivery is amazing. He is such an underrated actor to some people, but there are some people who know what he can do.”

“Jessica Walter I didn’t know what to expect,”Edge said. “Here is this proper actor or actress who shared the screen with [Clint] Eastwood. I was like, ‘I don’t know what I am doing. She is going to be sick of me right from the get go.’ But she could not have treated me better. Everyone was very understanding to the fact that I was in way over my head and having no idea what I was doing. So they were very gracious and respectful.”

Those who have seen “Highlander: Endgame” may remember Edge’s cameo. However, the budding actor says it didn’t prepare him much for “Bending the Rules.”

“That was 12 or 13 years ago, and that was basically a fight scene,” Edge said.

“I flew to Romania for that, but it was entirely different. At that point WWE was even new to me, so it was like what is happening? This was much more involved, I guess, being one of the stars of the movie. Being expected to learn a bigger part and not knowing what I was doing.

“My only real preparation has been WWE, which prepares you to adlib and comedic timing and those things. In respect to being able to think on your feet, I was able to bring that into it. But still my first day of shooting, in the first scene I had shot, I had just come from SummerSlam in LA…We did two Raw shows that day, so right after that I hopped on a jet to New Orleans, landed at 4 and was on set at 6 with Jennifer Esposito, having no idea what scene we were doing.

“I didn’t know what lines to study, nothing. This was my first real scene in the movie, and I was like ‘No, they are going to think I am such an idiot.’ I got it over with. Then I thought that once I got that over with, I thought, ‘OK, I might be able to pull this off.’"

Edge never really had his Hollywood in his eyes. His dream was always being a WWE superstar.

“Wrestling took up the radar for me,” Edge said. “That was always my priority, and if other things fell in my lap, then great. The ‘Highlander’ thing or any other thing that has come into my lap has always been because of WWE and that exposure. Then I got approached to do this movie by WWE and thought, ‘This could be fun. I’ll give it a shot. Why not?’"

The film was shot before his recurring role on the SyFy original series ‘Haven,’ which gave him an idea of what to expect on theseries. He says he is returning to the character Dwight Henrickson for the upcoming season.

“By ‘Haven,’ through the experience of ‘Bending the Rules,’ I felt much more comfortable,” Edge said.

“Then going back this year for ‘Haven’, I will have much more understanding. Even with just the lingo like turning around. I know what that means now. I know I don’t have to stand there for 45 minutes while they switch everything out, and I can go grab a cup of coffee. Little things like that was all a learning process.

“Now that I can’t wrestle I think it would be cool to play a Viking in ‘Game of Thrones’ or something like that. I think I could sink my teeth into something like that. I also have a bit of a vampire experience or arch-villain or something. That would be fun…I just want to enjoy retirement, and at the same time do some stuff to stay creatively stimulated.”

Since his life on the road and traveling the world wrestling are over, his outlook on life has changed.

“Before it was WWE and that was my main priority,” Edge said. “It always has been and always would have remained that, but you still have to do something so you just aren’t home twiddling your thumbs all day. I think last year with ‘Haven’ it was going to Nova Scotia for the summer and getting to do this new kind of thing that was fun. I’m going up again this summer, and if things happen after that, then great.

“It’s not like I am going to consider myself an actor. I say more power to [The Rock]. I think it was awesome he was able to parlay it and translate it, but I don’t think I would be able to do it at that kind of schedule or want to. I like having my own time and then on the horizon say, ‘OK, I have that in a couple of months. Cool.’ Then I go do it, have some fun with it and be able to go back home.

“I already was lucky enough to do the job that was my passion. Everything I do from here on out is just going to be fun. It’s a good place to be. I’m not going to lie. It’s nice to have the luxury to enjoy everything I’ve done my entire adult life.”

To watch the trailer of “Bending the Rules” or to find a theater near you showing the film or get more information, visit

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson And Mark Wahlberg Team Up for Pain and Gain; 2013 Release...

Mark Wahlberg is in top shape, but next to 'The Rock' he looks kind of small. Put six-foot five-inch Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson next to him, and Mark (5' 8") looks sort of average.

Wahlberg and Johnson are currently filming "Pain and Gain" in Miami. The film centers on two bodybuilders who get caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong. The film is set for release in 2013.

That's it movie and music fans. Stay tuned to Media Man and Street Corner for more entertainment news and scoops daily.


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The Dark Knight Rises

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Bending The Rules

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