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Marvel movie fans, yet more reviews of X-Men: First Class are coming in, and they are great.
The Hollywood Reporter is comparing the flick to the recent James Bond movie Casino Royale in how it reinvigorates the rather tired franchise.
He states "roughly the first half of this massive and very well-cast origins extravaganza is arguably the best hour of Marvel Comics-derived filmmaking among the torrent of it that's cascaded across screens in recent years."
It's a sentiment that's been popping up on many geek sites, such as Dark Horizons, which calls it "not just the best of the series but the best adaptation of a Marvel title yet."
McCarthy says of the flick "audacious, confident and fueled by youthful energy" and gives props to Michael Fassbender's turn as Magneto as a young man, Kevin Bacon as the villainous Sebastian Shaw and Jennifer Lawrence as Raven/Mystique.
Further afield, Variety says the movie reclaims "much of the pop-operatic grandeur and insouciant wit so evident in the series' first two installments" and that director Matthew Vaughn "manages to invest this unabashedly commercial product with a unique stylistic identity."
As Marvel Entertainment legend Stan Lee says of the current crop of Marvel Studio flicks, games and other merchandise, Excelsior!
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