Linda McMahon wasn't the first pro wrestling aka sports entertainment personality to enter mainstream politics, nor will she the last, but tipsters say she might end up being the most talked about, perhaps even to eclipse legendary Jesse "The Body" Ventura, now host of cable's 'Conspiracy Theory'.
To stake the obvious, being talked about doesn't automatically equal votes.
I'm an Aussie (Australian) so I can't vote for Linda, but you bet, I would if I could. She's likable, intelligent and have a proven track record in running a business - a business that she helped turn into a multi billion dollar concern, and has employed thousands of people over the years. That business - The World Wrestling Entertainment "sports entertainment" powerhouse is one of the world's most well known brands and provides millions, perhaps even billions of people with family friendly (these days) entertainment. A lot has changed since the smoke filled arena and bodybuilder - steroid era.
Wrestling fans or not, it is not fair to blame Linda or Vince McMahon on the steroids found in wrestling, or the ultra high level of early deaths found in the wrestling profession. No one forces wrestlers to take steroids or any drugs, but it is acknowledged that in the past - circa 1990 "monster" (big) wrestlers were usually pushed to the top of the card, and that was linked to earning capacity. The life of a pro wrestler can be presented as glamorous, but it is also one that doesn't come without high risks, injuries and the body encountering frequent pain over the years. The WWE has hundreds of wrestlers on their rooster which helps in given the talent a break when they need, as there is always another wrestler available to fill up the card.
Let's now swing forward to the here and now, with an upcoming election upon us...
Connecticut fans of World Wrestling Entertainment have advised Republican U.S. Senate candidate Linda McMahon's ties to the wrestling aka "sports entertainment" company won't guarantee their votes come the Election.
Pro wrestling fanatics in Hartford on Saturday said the former WWE CEO's political - media campaign has "no bearing" on their enjoyment of the WWE. The company was in Hartford's XL Center for Fan Appreciation Day, which as you can imagine was a fantastic event and quite the moral booster for WWE management and "independent contractors" (wrestlers).
McMahon is running against Democratic state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal for the seat of retiring Democratic U.S Sen. Christopher Dodd. A recent poll obtained by Media Man showed Blumenthal leading McMahon at the time of this publication.
WWE representatives say the weekend show wasn't so much about rallying voters. They say it was held to thank fans for supporting the company despite what they have named as unfair attacks on its image from state Democrats and sections of the media. For the record let it be known that Media Man has given fair and balanced coverage to the WWE over the years, even back to when it wasn't afraid to call itself World Wrestling Federation and "pro wrastling". Sometimes we even ran some negative based articles, when they were in order, based on the company's actions.
Only a few weeks ago current WWE top brass Vince McMahon started his own campaign: 'Stand Up For WWE', which by all accounts has been a global phenomenal success.
The global news media should be fair to WWE and Linda McMahon. A quick snapshot shows:
Linda McMahon has a proven track record in business
Politically savvy candidate
Strong community ties
Built leading global brand
WWE is family friendly entertainment (usually)
WWE Wellness Policy (which has proven to be a serious policy, unlike in some other sports and fields of endeavor)
So, wrestling fans or not, when you vote in the upcoming election, vote with your head. Don't be deterred by media beat ups or bias articles.
Will Linda McMahon and her tag team partner of sorts, Vince "Mr McMahon", lay the smack down on their political opponents? You can bet it will be a fight to the finish. Stay tuned to Media Man and Gambling911 for the aftermath of 'Celebrity Death Match' Connecticut style.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. The also offer political analysis
*Media Man conducts some b2b business with World Wrestling Entertainment and publishes Wrestling News Media
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